Fees are paid either monthly in advance, or by agreed arrangement. There is no refund for any absence i.e. Child/parent sickness, days off, holidays etc.
There is not a fee to be paid when my setting is closed (for holiday) or time off due to illness.
Charges for late collection of your child will be invoiced to you, after 3 separate occasions of you being more than 15 minutes late, .
If your child is collected earlier than the contracted time, the full fee still applies. Late drop off does not constitute late collection.
All contracted hours must be paid for in full regardless of attendance.
All childcare fees are due monthly in advance. Failure to pay on the due date will result in loss of services unless another special arrangement has been agreed.
Parents are required to give 4 weeks written notice if their children are to leave my setting. Full payment of fees will be due for this period.