We have written this policy from information gained from children, parents and staff. The NHS states, children under five need three hours of exercise each day and children aged five to sixteen need to be active for at least an hour a day. Our setting achieves this by encouraging and taking part in a range of activities.
We promote physical movement and exercise by letting the children play on the floor with the toys and create their own games with their imagination. Children need to be able to crawl, slide and move around on the floor for the development of their body, for future growth and feelings.
When children grow their movements change and they are able to develop their physical skills in larger and faster movements. We provide a range of equipment to assist them in their development stages, both for indoor and outdoor use.
We asked the parents what physical activities they liked doing with their children, and they said: – Going to the park, Swings, Slides and Football. Rough and tumble, Wrestling, Dancing, Circus tricks, Ride on toys, Gym toys- grabbing, pulling and kicking, Rolling, Crawling, Stretching, Playing in the garden.
We asked the children, what their favourite physical activities are and they said: – Football, Jumping, Digging, Cricket, Bat and ball, Scooters, Running, Golf, Dancing, Hide and seek, Wrestling.
We asked the staff, what physical activities do they like to do with the children, and they said :- Playing in the garden, Catching, Dancing, Party games, Park equipment, Parachute games, Egg and spoon races, Digging and building in the sand pit, Circuits, Assault course, Role play, Bubbles- catch and pop, Music and movement.