If a child attending Just Like Home Childcare requires prescription medication of any kind, their parent or carer must complete a ‘Permission to Administer Medicine’ form in advance. Staff at the setting will not administer any medication without such prior written consent. Ideally children should take their medication before arriving at the setting. If this is not possible, children will be encouraged to take personal responsibility for their medication, if appropriate. If children carry their own medication (eg asthma inhalers), the staff will offer to keep the medication safe until it is required. Inhalers must be labelled with the child’s name. Just Like Home Childcare can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist. However, if a medicine contains aspirin we can only administer it if it has been prescribed by a doctor. All medication provided must have the prescription sticker attached which includes the child’s name, the date, the type of medicine and the dosage. A designated staff member will be responsible for administering medication or for witnessing self-administration by the child. The designated person will record receipt of the medication on a Medication Log, will check that the medication is properly labelled, and will ensure that it is stored securely during the session. Before any medication is given, the designated person will: If a child refuses to take their medication, staff will not force them to do so. The manager and the child’s parent or carer will be notified, and the incident recorded on the Record of Medication Given. Certain medications require specialist training before use, eg Epi Pens. If a child requires such medication the manager will arrange appropriate training as soon as possible. It may be necessary to absent the child until such training has been undertaken. Where specialist training is required, only appropriately trained staff may administer the medication. A child’s parent or carer must complete a new Permission to Administer Medication form if there are any changes to a child’s medication (including change of dosage or frequency). If a child suffers from a long term medical condition we will ask the child's parents to provide a medical care plan from their doctor, to clarify exactly what the symptoms and treatment are so that the Club has a clear statement of the child's medical requirements. This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 1st December 2016 To be reviewed: 1st December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Health [3.45-3.46] Just Like Home Childcare is registered with Ofsted; our registration number is EY541958. We provide care for children between the ages of 3 and 15 from our Kindergarten through to our after School and Holiday Club. Places are offered on a first-come first-served basis. When all places have been filled a waiting list will be established, with the following order of priority: Registration When an enquiry regarding places is made, parents or carers will be given all the relevant information, including: If a place is available, the parents and child will be invited to visit the setting for an induction. The child will be able to attend the setting as soon as the completed forms are received. If no places are available the parent will be informed and the child’s name added to the waiting list. As soon as suitable places become available parents will be informed. Booking Procedure Parents must complete the necessary paperwork, ie contract, registration, medical, booking and photo permission forms, before their children can attend the Just Like Home Childcare. This policy was adopted by Just Like home Childcare. Date: 1st December 2016 To be reviewed: 1st December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and records [3.68-3.75] Just Like Home Childcare does not tolerate from any person, whether a parent, carer or visitor: bullying, aggressive, confrontational or threatening behaviour, or behaviour intended to result in conflict. Our setting is a place of safety and security for the children who attend and for the staff who work here. Unacceptable behaviour Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following: - At Just Like Home Childcare we do not tolerate such behaviour whether it is directed at the staff or at any of the children in our care. Procedure If a parent, carer or member of the public behaves in an unacceptable way towards a member of staff or a child attending our setting, we will take the following steps: - When the immediate incident has been resolved, the manager and staff will reflect on the incident and decide whether it is appropriate to ban the individual from the premises for a period of time. The decision will take into account both the seriousness of the incident and whether the individual has behaved aggressively before. If we decide that a ban is appropriate, we will write to the individual concerned to inform them of the reasons for the ban and its duration. Related policies See also: Equalities policy, Complaints policy, Safeguarding policy. This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 1st December 2016 To be reviewed: 1st December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare requirements: Introduction [3.2]. Just Like Home Childcare recognises the importance of having robust systems in place to ensure the safe arrival and departure of the children in our care. The manager will ensure that an accurate record is kept of all children in the setting, and that any arrivals or departures are recorded in the register. The register is kept in an accessible location on the premises at all times. In addition, we conduct regular headcounts during the session. Escorting children to the Club Arrivals Our staff will greet each child warmly on their arrival at our setting and will record the child’s attendance in the daily register straightaway, including the time of arrival. Departures Absences This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 1st December 2016 To be reviewed: 1st December 2017 Signed: When children first join Just Like Home Childcare they will be allowed to settle in at their own pace. We encourage parents or carers to visit the premises with their children shortly before they are due to start. This gives the children the opportunity to look around the setting and for parents and children (if appropriate) to ask any questions. It also gives parents the opportunity to complete the necessary paperwork for registration with us, if this has not yet been done. If necessary, parents or carers may stay with their children for the first couple of sessions to help them settle in. Induction for new children: - This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information and Records [3.72-3.73]; Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment [3.55] Just Like Home Childcare recognises that many plants are poisonous if eaten or capable of causing allergic reactions if handled. Accordingly, no plants on the list of the dangerous plants shown below are allowed on the premises without first conducting a risk assessment to review the degree of risk posed to the children. The outside play area at St Philips Church Hall has also been checked for the dangerous plants listed below. Where a potentially dangerous plant exists and we are unable to remove it, we have conducted a risk assessment which takes into account: The following is a list of the most commonly found plants that staff should be aware of as posing a possible hazard. Note that this list is not fully comprehensive. Mistletoe Key: E = Harmful if eaten, T = Harmful if touched This policy was adopted by: just Like Home Childcare on Date:30.11.2016 To be reviewed: 30.11.2017 Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment [3.54, 3.64] At Just Like Home Childcare we will ensure that we provide a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for everyone in our community including children with additional needs. To achieve the objective of creating an environment free from discrimination and welcoming to all, we will: - Racial Harassment Just Like Home Childcare will not tolerate any form of racial harassment. We will challenge racist and discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behaviour from the children in our care, from staff and from any other adults on the premises (eg parents/carers collecting children). Promoting Equal Opportunities Just Like Home Childcare’s Equal Opportunities Named Coordinator (ENCO) is Katie Heal. The ENCO is responsible for ensuring that: - Children with Additional Needs Just Like Home Childcare recognises that some children have additional needs or physical disabilities that require particular support and assistance. We will assess the individual needs of each child in consultation with their parents prior to their attending our setting, and will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children can access our services and are made to feel welcome. Where one-to-one support is required we will assist parents in accessing the funding required to provide the additional care. Special Educational Needs Coordinator The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Katie Heal. The SENCO will: This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Just Like Home Childcare understands the importance of fire safety. To this end: We have notices explaining the fire procedures which are positioned next to every fire exit. Fire Prevention Just Like Home Childcare will take all steps possible to prevent fires occurring by: Responsibilities of the Fire Safety Officer Just Like Home Childcare’s Designated Fire Safety Officer is Katie Heal. The Fire Safety Officer is responsible for carrying out the fire safety risk assessment and for ensuring that all staff are made aware of fire safety procedures during their Induction period. This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Just Like Home Childcare considers health and safety to be of utmost importance. We comply with The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 at all times. We have appropriate insurance cover including public liability insurance. Each member of staff follows our Health and Safety policy and is responsible for: Responsibilities of the Registered Person The registered person for the setting holds ultimate responsibility and liability for the safe operation of the provision. The registered person will ensure that:- Responsibilities of the Manager The manager is responsible for ensuring that at each session:- Security Toys and Equipment Food and Personal Hygiene Staff at Just Like Home Childcare maintain high standards of personal hygiene, and take all practicable steps to prevent and control the spread of infection. Staffing Levels Staff ratios and levels of supervision are always appropriate to the number, ages and abilities of the children present, and to the risks associated with the activities being undertaken. Related Policies See also our related policies: Illness and Accidents, Emergency Evacuation, Healthy Eating, Safeguarding, Administering Medication, Risk Assessment, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, and Intimate Care, Visitor. This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date:2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment [3.54-3.64]. Just like homecare provides healthy, nutritious and balanced food and drinks. Food and drink are safely prepared with regard to the dietary and religious requirements of the children in our care. We ask parents to notify us regarding any special dietary requirements or allergies when they register their child. Information regarding food allergies is recorded on the Allergy Information Board which is visible to staff whilst food is being prepared. Just like Homecare promotes healthy eating and leads by example. Staff responsible for food preparation, handling and storage has received appropriate training. This policy was adopted by Just like homecare Date 1st Dec 2016 To be reviewed:1st Dec 2017 Signed Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Food and drink [3.47-3.48]. At Just like home childcare we will deal promptly and effectively with any illnesses or injuries that occur while children are in our care. We take all practical steps to keep staff and children safe from communicable diseases. All parents or carers must complete the Medical Form when their child joins the Club, requesting permission for emergency medical treatment for their child in the event of a serious accident or illness. We will record any accidents or illnesses, together with any treatment given, on an Incident Record or Accident Record sheet as appropriate, which the parent or carer will be asked to sign when they collect their child Just like home childcare cannot accept any children who are ill at the setting. If any children are ill when they first arrive at the Club we will immediately notify their parents or carers to come and collect them. Any children who have been ill should not return to the Club until they have fully recovered, or Any children who have been ill should not return to the Club until they have fully recovered, or after the maximum period has expired. First aid The Club’s designated First Aider has a current first aid certificate and has attended a 12 hour paediatric first aid course. To ensure that there is a qualified first aider present at every session of the club, other members of staff will receive first aid training. members of staff will also receive first aid training. We will take into account the number of . The location of the first aid box and a list of qualified first aiders are clearly displayed at the Club. The designated First Aider regularly checks the contents of the first aid box to ensure that they are up to date, appropriate for children and comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 The manager will ensure that a first aid kit is taken on all outings and that at least one member of staff on the outing holds a current paediatric first aid certificate . Procedure for a minor injury or illness The first aider at the session will decide upon the appropriate action to take if a child becomes ill or suffers a minor injury. child as soon as possible. The child will be kept comfortable and will be closely supervised while awaiting collection. Monitored for the rest of the session and the parent or carer will be notified when the child is collected. monitored for the remainder of the session. If necessary, the child’s parent will be asked to collect the child as soon as possible. Procedure for a major injury or serious illness In the event of a child becoming seriously ill or suffering a major injury, the first aider at the session will decide whether the child needs to go straight to hospital or whether it is safe to wait for the parent/carer to arrive. staff will go to the hospital with the child. The staff member will take the child’s Medical Form with them and will consent to any necessary treatment (as approved by the parents on the Medical Form). we will call the other emergency contacts that we have on file for the child. any changes need to be made to the Club’s policies or procedures . or injury to a child in our care as soon as reasonably possible and within 14 days at the latest. (eg broken limb, amputation, dislocation, etc – see the HSE website for a full list of reportable injuries Communicable diseases and conditions If a case of head lice is found at the Club, the child’s parents or carers will be discreetly informed when they collect the child. Other parents will be warned to check their own children for head lice, but care will be taken not to identify the child affected. If an infectious or communicable disease is detected on the Club’s premises, we will inform parents and carers as soon as possible. If there is an incident of food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after at the Club the Manager will inform Ofsted as soon as possible and within 14 days at the latest. If there is an outbreak of a notifiable disease at the Club, we will inform the local health protection unit, HSE under RIDDOR (if appropriate), and Ofsted. Useful contacts Ofsted: 0300 123 1231 RIDDOR Incident Contact Unit: 0845 300 99 23 We are more than happy to care for older children who are at secondary School and who may wish to arrive at after school club independently. However, Just Like Home Childcare can’t be held responsible for your child’s safety until she/he arrives into our care. We will need to be aware in advance their expected times of arrival, if they are staying at school for a club, sports fixture etc. we will need to be notified. If there are any unexpected changes we request that you as their parent inform us and that the onus is not on the child to do so. If your child fails to arrive at the expected time, we will try to contact them if they have a mobile phone to confirm their whereabouts otherwise we will contact yourself. If we are unable to make contact with your child or yourself we will then contact the school. In the unlikely event that your child’s school does not know their whereabouts we will then contact the police for further guidance. This policy and the procedure is not meant to alarm you but to reassure you that we are providing the best care possible for your child and that their safety is paramount. If you are planning for your child to arrive independently please let us know so we can ensure that everybody involved is fully aware of these procedures and any alterations made to them. We will make certain that the agreement for your child to arrive independently is noted on your registration form and that we both sign to confirm our agreement. At Just Like Home Childcare we recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that every child is happy, healthy and safe whilst in our care. We therefore aim to keep parents and carers fully informed of policies, events and activities at, by sharing information with them, answering questions and addressing any concerns, and by encouraging them to participate in the life of the setting. We do our best to keep parents informed about the setting by:- We actively welcome parents and invite their input into the setting in the following ways:- This policy was adopted by Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Learning and Development Requirements [1.1]; Areas of Learning and Development [1.10]; Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements [3.27]; Before/after school care and holiday provision [3.40] At Just like Home care, the safety and welfare of our staff and the children in our care is paramount. It is best practice for at least two members of staff to be on duty at any one time, but situations may arise where only one member of staff will be on duty, In this case we will follow the procedures set out in this policy. Preparation and planning The Manager must approve all instances of lone working in advance and such instances will be recorded on the staff rota. Parents will be notified if only one member of staff will be on duty for a session or part of a session. A full risk assessment for lone working must be carried out before lone working is approved. Our insurers have confirmed that our club is covered in situations when only one member of staff is on duty In addition, an ‘on call’ person whom the member of staff can summon in an emergency will be nominated for each session. The ‘on call’ person must be able to be on site within 5 minutes. Suitable staff Staff members who are suitable for lone working will be approved in advance. Staff members approved for lone working must have all the relevant qualifications, training and skills. For example: Holds a current 12 hour paediatric first aid certificate Has had child protection training Has food handling and hygiene certificate Has competent use of English Has the necessary skills and experience to supervise the children alone Does not have any medical condition that might affect their suitability to work alone. Is familiar with the emergency evacuation procedure – and how this can be adapted to lone working situations Lone working situations When a member of staff is working alone, they must still keep all children “within sight or hearing at all times” as required by EYFS 2014. Therefore all essential resources must be readily to hand and not kept in a separate part of the building. child records emergency contact details first aid kit club mobile phone any forms that may be required during a session, eg accident and incident logs, logging concern form, collection by unknown person, visitor log, etc spills box / cleaning products / sick bowl If intimate care is given, a record will be made using an Incident log and parents will be asked to sign this on collection of their child. Related policies See also: Safeguarding policy, Emergency evacuation policy, Intimate care policy, Illness and accidents policy, Risk assessment policy. This policy was adopted by: Just like home childcare Date 1st Dec 2016 To be reviewed: 1st Dec 2017 Signed Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Child protection [3.5-3.6], Suitable people [3.19], Staff qualifications, training, support and skills [3.25 – 3.26], Key person [3.27], Staff:child ratios [3.28-3.29, 3.40], Food and drink [3.48], Accident or injury [3.50], Premises [3.55, 3.58], Risk assessment [3.64 At Just Like Home Childcare we are always alert to the possibility that children can go missing during sessions. To minimise the risk of this happening staff will carry out periodic head counts, particularly when transporting children between locations (e.g when on outings or walking from the school to the club). If a child cannot be located, the following steps will be taken:- The incident will be recorded in the Incident Log. A review will be conducted regarding this and any other related incidents along with relevant policies and procedures. We will identify and implement any changes as necessary. If the police or Social Care were involved in the incident, we will also inform Ofsted. Useful numbers Police: 01273 475432. Social Care: 01273 295920. Ofsted: 0300 123 1231 This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014) :Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Information for parents and carers [3.73] . Just like home childcare fosters a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children and staff are protected from abuse, harm, and distress. We therefore have a clear policy on the acceptable use of mobile phones the club’s mobile phone policy ensures that we all: Protect children from harm and abuse Prevent staff from being subject to false allegations Help staff remain focused on the care of children Work in an open and transparent environment. Staff use of mobile phones Personal mobile phones belonging to members of staff are kept box in the Kitchen during working hours. If a member of staff needs to make an urgent personal call they can use the club phone or make a personal call from the club phone or in the designated area. If a member of staff has a family emergency or similar and needs to keep their mobile phone to hand, prior permission must be sought from the Manager or Deputy. Under no circumstances may staff use their personal mobile phones to take photographs at the club during working hours. Children’s use of mobile phones Whilst we understand that some children have mobile phones, we actively discourage them from using their phones within the club. All children’s mobile phones will be stored in a secure box until they are collected from the club. The club does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to mobile phones brought to the club by the children. Children must not use their mobile phone to take photographs of any kind whilst at the club. If they want a photograph of a particular activity they can ask a member of staff to take one using the club camera. Visitors’ use of mobile phones In the interest of safeguarding we ask all parents and visitors not to use their phones or other mobile devices on club premises. Taking of photographs by parents or visitors is strictly prohibited. If a parent wishes to take a photograph of their child’s activity or play They can ask a member of staff to do so using the clubs camera. Related policies See also: Safeguarding Children policy. This policy was adopted by: Just like home childcare Date 1st Dec 2016 To be reviewed by 1st Dec 2017 Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare requirements: Child Protection [3.4]. All children are entitled to play; it is intrinsic to their quality of life and an important part of how they learn and enjoy themselves. According to the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014), “Play is essential for children’s development building their confidence as they learn to explore to think in play about problems and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.” At Just like homecare we recognise the importance of play to a child’s development and follow the Playwork Principles. As play workers we support and facilitate play, and do not seek to control or direct it. We will never force children to participate in play, but allow children to initiate and direct the experience f about problems and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play and by taking part Facilitating play We support and facilitate play by: record of these to ensure that varied play opportunities are offered. encourage appropriate social skills. Play areas and equipment arrive in accordance with our Risk Assessment policy. reviewed to identify where any additional resources are required. religions, and abilities, in line with our Equal Opportunities policy. This policy was adopted by Just like Homecare Date: 1st Dec 2016 To be reviewed: 1st Dec 2017 Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Areas of Learning and Development [1.8]; Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment [3.64] We have a duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. I comply with the requirements of the Prevent Duty Guidance and its aim to protect children from radicalisation, extremism and being drawn into terrorism. Early years providers serve arguably the most vulnerable and impressionable members of society. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) accordingly places clear duties on providers to keep children safe and promote their welfare. It makes clear that to protect children in their care, providers must be alert to any safeguarding and child protection issues in the child’s life at home or elsewhere (paragraph 3.4 EYFS). Early years providers must take action to protect children from harm and should be alert to harmful behaviour by other adults in the child’s life. Early years providers already focus on children’s personal, social and emotional development The Early Years Foundation Stage framework supports early years providers to do this in an age appropriate way, through ensuring children learn right from wrong, mix and share with other children and value other’s views, know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and challenge negative attitudes and stereotypes. This guidance should be read in conjunction with other relevant guidance. In England, this includes Working Together to Safeguard Children, Keeping Children Safe in Education and Information Sharing: Her Majesty’s Government advice for professionals providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers. Early education funding regulations in England have been amended to ensure that providers who fail to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs do not receive funding from local authorities for the free early years entitlement. Ofsted’s current inspection framework for early years provision reflects the requirements in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Prevent work depends on effective partnership. To demonstrate effective compliance with the duty, I must demonstrate evidence of productive co-operation, in particular with local Prevent co-ordinators, the police and local authorities, and co-ordination through existing multi-agency forums, for example Community Safety Partnerships. If we have any concerns or questions regarding Prevent Duty at our setting, we will contact our Local Authority in Brighton and Hove Brighton & Hove City Council Phone: 01273 290000 The fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. The promotion of fundamental British values will be reflected in the Early Years Foundation Stage and exemplified in an age-appropriate way through practice guidance. When working with the Early Years age group these values need to be meaningful and age appropriate. Democracy: Making decisions together Rule of Law: Understanding rules matter Individual Liberty: Freedom for all Mutual Respect and Tolerance: treat others as you want to be treated Aim - To set out the minimum requirements of a recruitment process that will: Recruitment and Selection Procedures At Just Like Home Childcare we are vigilant in our recruitment procedures. We follow this procedure every time we recruit a new staff member to our team. Identification of recruiting panel Advertising “Just Like Home Childcare is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All applicants are subject to a satisfactory enhanced check by the Disclosure and Barring Service (previously the Criminal Records Bureau) and at least two independent references”. Job application pack / recruitment materials Short-listing Interview stage Further pre-employment checks Induction Just Like Home Childcare uses its risk assessment systems to ensure that the Club is a safe and secure place for children and staff. All staff are expected to undertake risk assessments as part of their routine tasks. In line with current health and safety legislation and the EYFS Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements 2014, we will carry out regular risk assessments and take appropriate action to deal with any hazards or risks identified. It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that risk assessments are conducted, monitored and acted upon. Risk assessments will be carried out:- Not all risk assessments need to be written down. Staff will decide, in consultation with the manager, which risk assessments need to be formally recorded. However risk assessments related to employment and the working environment will be always be recorded in writing so that staff can refer to them. If changes are required to our policies or procedures as a result of the risk assessment, the manager will update the relevant documents and inform all staff. Daily Checks We will carry out a visual inspection of the equipment and the whole premises (indoors and out) daily, before any children arrive. During the course of the session, staff will remain alert to any potential risks to health and safety. If a member of staff discovers a hazard during the course of a session, they will make the area safe (e.g. by cordoning it off) and then notify the manager. The manager will ensure that any actions needed to mitigate the immediate hazard have been taken and will implement measures to prevent the incident from recurring. Recording Dangerous Events The manager will record all accidents and dangerous events on the Incident or Accident Record sheets as soon as possible after the incident. If the incident affected a child the record will be kept on the child’s file. We will monitor Incident and Accident Records to see whether any pattern to the occurrences can be identified. Related Policies See our related policies: Fire Safety and Risk Assessment, Health and Safety, and Manual Handling. This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements: Safety & suitability of premises, environment & equipment [3.64] Just like home childcare recognises that the internet is a useful resource for both staff and children, for purposes of research, homework and entertainment. However it must be used with care to ensure that children are kept safe from exposure to harmful material, in accordance with the EYFS safeguarding and welfare requirements and the Prevent Duty. Parental permission Children will only be allowed to access the internet at the Club if their parent or carer has given written permission Guidelines for children A printed copy of the SMART guidelines are kept next to the computer. The guidelines are explained to any children wishing to access the internet: Safe: Keep safe by not giving out personal information – such as name, email, phone number, address, or school name – to people who you don’t trust online. Meeting: Never agree to meet anyone you have only met online unless your parent or carer is with you. Accepting: Do not accept emails or instant messages, or open files, images or texts from people you don’t know. They can contain viruses or nasty messages messages. Reliable: Not all the information found on the Internet is reliable and people you meet online won’t always be telling the truth. Tell: Tell a member of staff or your parents if someone or something you encounter online makes you feel uncomfortable. Protecting children We have put in place the following safeguards to keep children safe whilst accessing the internet on the Club’s computers: A risk assessment has been undertaken. Parental controls have been activated on all computers accessible to children: o Google SafeSearch Filtering is turned on o YouTube Restricted Mode is set to on The computers are located so that the screens can easily be seen from the rest of the room. Staff keep a close eye on children and the sites that they are accessing when they use the internet The computers have an up to date virus checker and firewall installed. The computers’ browser histories are regularly checked to monitor which sites are being accessed. All staff and children are informed of this fact. If, despite the safeguards the Club has put in place, a child encounters harmful material on the internet, or receives inappropriate messages, or experiences online bullying, whilst using the Club’s computers, the manager will be informed and the incident will be noted on an Incident log The manager will investigate how to prevent a reoccurrence of the incident. If staff at the Club become aware that a child is deliberately attempting to access sites containing sexual, extremist or otherwise inappropriate material, or has been shown such material by a third party, they will complete a Logging a concern form and refer the matter to the Club’s designated Child Protection Officer in accordance with our Safeguarding children policy Related policies See also: Safeguarding Children Policy, Social Media Policy. Just Like Home Childcare is committed to building a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children in our care are protected from abuse, harm and radicalisation. We will respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child that may occur. Our child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB). The designated Child Protection Officer (CPO) is Katie Heal. The CPO coordinates child protection issues and liaises with external agencies (e.g. Social Care, the LSCB and Ofsted). Child abuse and neglect Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. An individual may abuse or neglect a child directly, or by failing to protect them from harm. Some forms of child abuse and neglect are listed below: - Signs of child abuse and neglect Signs of possible abuse and neglect may include:- If abuse is suspected or disclosed When a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff, that member of staff will:- Extremism and Radicalisation All childcare settings have a legal duty to protect children from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into extremism. There are many reasons why a child might be vulnerable to radicalisation, including:- Signs of Radicalisation Signs that a child might be at risk of radicalisation include:- If a member of staff suspects that a child is at risk of becoming radicalised, they will record any relevant information or observations on a Logging a concern form, and refer the matter to the CPO. Logging an Incident All information about the suspected abuse or disclosure, or concern about radicalisation, will be recorded on the Logging a concern form as soon as possible after the event. The record should include:- If recording a disclosure, you must use the child’s own words, name, and signature and job title of the person making the record. The record will be given to the CPO who will decide on the appropriate course of action. For concerns about child abuse, the CPO will contact Social Care. The CPO will follow up all referrals to Social Care in writing within 48 hours. If a member of staff thinks that the incident has not been dealt with properly, they may contact Social Care directly. For minor concerns regarding radicalisation, the CPO will contact the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) or Local Authority Prevent Co-ordinator. For more serious concerns the CPO will contact the Police on the non-emergency number (101), or the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. For urgent concerns the CPO will contact the Police using 999. Allegations Against Staff If anyone makes an allegation of child abuse against a member of staff: Promoting Awareness Among Staff Just Like Home Childcare promotes awareness of child abuse and the risk of radicalisation through its staff training. The Club ensures that:- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) FGM is illegal in the UK and a form of child abuse with long-lasting harmful consequences. Professionals in all agencies, and individuals and groups in relevant communities, need to be alert to the possibility of a girl being at risk of FGM, or already having suffered FGM. FGM refers to procedures of any alteration involving partial or total removal of the external female genital organs. The procedure may lead to short term and long-lasting harmful consequences such as death, trauma, infections, flashbacks, infertility, kidney problems, sexual dysfunctions, incontinence, post-traumatic stress disorder etc. It is known to be practised in the North African countries, the Middle-East, Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Pakistan. However, with migration worldwide it is also practised in the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia etc. The United Nations addresses FGM as violation of human rights. In the UK, FGM is a criminal offence and a harmful form of child abuse. It is illegal to practice in the UK and/or anyone involved in taking girl outside of the UK to have FGM carried out will be punished under the FGM Act 2003 and Serious Crime Act 2015. FGM is not a religious practice. Indicators There are a range of potential indicators that a girl may be at risk of FGM. FGM often takes place in the summer holidays, as the recovery period after FGM can be 6 to 9 weeks. Professionals should be mindful of high risk times when children go on long holidays and/or are getting a visit by female elder from their country of origin. Additionally, girls are considered at risk where their mother or sisters have undergone FGM, and girls are talking about a ‘special’ event or procedure to ‘become a woman.’ Post FGM symptoms can include, but are not limited to:- Mandatory Reporting Duty Section 5C of the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 (as inserted by section 75 of the Serious Crime Act 2015) gave the Government powers to issue statutory guidance on FGM to relevant persons. The guidance provides professionals with the information they need to help them understand the issues around FGM; professionals’ responsibilities on FGM linked to wider safeguarding duties and good practice; the range of legal interventions to deal with FGM; guidelines for key professionals including police, healthcare professionals, children’s social care and schools and colleges, and working with communities to prevent FGM. Section 5B of the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 (as inserted by section 74 of the Serious Crime Act 2015)l places a statutory duty upon teachers, along with social workers and healthcare professionals, to report to the police where they discover (either through disclosure by the victim or visual evidence) that FGM appears to have been carried out on a girl under 18. Those failing to report such cases will face disciplinary sanctions. It will be rare for teachers to see visual evidence, and they should not be examining children – it is likely that discovery will be made by disclosure by the student, parent or otherwise. These cases must be referred to police. Immediate reporting is required if FGM has been performed recently, and in historical cases, reporting must take place within one month. Unless the teacher has a good reason not to, they should still consider and discuss any such case with the designated safeguarding lead and involve children’s social care as appropriate. While the duty is limited to the specified professionals described above, non-regulated practitioners also have a responsibility to take appropriate safeguarding action in relation to any identified or suspected case of FGM, in line with the procedures of their Local Safeguarding Children Board (LCSB). As a setting, we will aim to raise awareness of FGM by: - Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras Photographs will only be taken of children with their parents’ permission. Only the setting camera will be used to take photographs of children. Neither staff nor children may use their mobile phones to take photographs at any time. Contact numbers Social Care: 01273 290400. Social Care out of hours contact: 01273 295555. LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer): Darrel Clews. 01273 295643 / 07795 335898. LSCB (Local Safeguarding Children Board): 01273 292379. Police: 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency) Anti-terrorist hotline: 0800 789 321 NSPCC: 0808 800 500 Ofsted: 0300 123 1231 This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016 To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare requirements: Child Protection [3.4-3.8] and Suitable People [3.9-3.13]. Just Like Home Childcare will deal with negative and inappropriate behaviour by using constructive behaviour management techniques. We will involve staff, parents and children to tackle disruptive and challenging behaviour collectively. We acknowledge that some children will require additional support to achieve acceptable levels of behaviour. Where we identify a child with these needs, we will work closely with the parents or carers to deal with the inappropriate behaviour in accordance with our Behaviour Management policy. Where a child persistently behaves inappropriately, we will implement the following procedure: Staff will inform the manager if a child’s behaviour warrants suspension or exclusion. We will only suspend or exclude a child as a last resort, when all other behaviour management strategies have failed or if we feel that children or staff are at risk. Suspensions and exclusions will be fair, consistent and appropriate to the behaviour concerned, and will take account of the child’s age and maturity as well as any other factors relevant to the child’s situation. If appropriate, we will seek advice from other agencies; this may include accessing funding for additional support. Temporary suspensions Temporary suspensions will be applied in the following situations: - Just Like Home Childcare may temporarily suspend the child for a period of up to 15 consecutive days. If the we take this step, we will discuss our concerns with the parents/carers in order to work together to promote a more desirable pattern of behaviour. At the end of the suspension period the manager will meet with the parents/carers and the child, in order to agree any conditions relating to the child’s return to the setting. Permanent exclusion In exceptional circumstances, and only when all other attempts at behaviour management have failed, it may be necessary to permanently exclude a child from the setting. If a child is excluded, the parents/carers will be given a verbal and written explanation of the issues and subsequent actions. The parent/carer has the right to appeal to the manager against the exclusion within 14 days of receiving written notification of the exclusion. This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 4th December 2016 To be reviewed: 4th December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Managing Behaviour [3.52-3.53]. Just Like Home Childcare is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for the children in our care. When we have visitors to our setting we need to ensure that this will not have a detrimental effect on the children and that the person in question has a valid reason for visiting. Accordingly, when a visitor arrives at the setting, we will follow the procedure set out below: - This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 4th December 2016. To be reviewed: 4th December 2017. Signed: Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Safety and suitability of premises, environment and equipment [3.62]. Just Like Home Childcare is committed to the highest standards of openness, probity and accountability. If a member of staff discovers evidence of malpractice or wrongdoing within the setting, they can disclose this information internally without fear of reprisal. Our Whistleblowing policy is intended to cover concerns such as: - This policy should not be used to question business decisions made by the manager, or to raise any matters that are covered under other policies (e.g. discrimination or racial harassment). Any allegations relating to child protection will follow the procedures set out in the Safeguarding Children policy. Any concerns relating to the employment conditions of an individual member of staff should be raised according to the procedures set out in the Staff Grievance policy. Raising a Concern Ideally the staff member should put his or her allegations in writing, setting out the background to the situation, giving names, dates and places where possible, and the reason why they are concerned about the situation. In the first instance concerns should be taken to the manager. If, due to the nature of the problem, this is not possible, consult your local authority playwork advisor 01273 295920 for advice. If this person or body is unwilling or unable to act on the concern, the staff member should then raise it with: - If the member of staff is still uncertain about how to proceed with the concern, he or she can contact the whistle-blowing charity PCAW (Public Concern at Work) for advice. Responding to a Concern Initial enquiries will usually involve a meeting with the individual raising the concern, and will decide whether an investigation is appropriate and, if so, what form it should take. If a concern relates to issues which fall within the scope of other policies, it will be addressed under those policies. If the initial meeting does not resolve the concern, further investigation is required. The appropriate person will investigate the concerns thoroughly, ensuring that a written response can be provided within ten working days where feasible, or if this is not possible, giving a date by which the final response can be expected. The response should include details of how the matter was investigated, conclusions drawn from the investigation, and who to contact if the member of staff is unhappy with the response and wishes to take the matter further. Rights and Responsibilities of the Whistle-blower All concerns will be treated in confidence and we will make every effort not to reveal the identity of anyone raising a concern in good faith. At the appropriate time, however, the member of staff may need to come forward as a witness. If a member of staff raises a concern in good faith which is then not confirmed by the investigation, no action will be taken against that person. If the investigation concludes that the member of staff maliciously fabricated the allegations, disciplinary action may be taken against that person. Contact information LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer): Darrel Clews. 01273 295634 LSCB (Local Safeguarding Children Board): 01273 292379 Ofsted: 0300 123 1231 PCAW (Public Concern at Work): 020 7404 6609 (website: www.pcaw.org.uk) Related policies Staff Grievance policy, Safeguarding Children policy. This policy was adopted by: Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 4th December 2016 To be reviewed: 4th December 2017. Signed:
Common name
Latin name
Indoor Plants
Angels' Trumpets E
(Brugmansia or Datura)
German Primula
(Primula Obconica)
E / T
Leopard Lily
E / T
(Nerium Oleander)
Rosy Periwinkle
(Catharanthus Roseus)
Umbrella Tree
Bulbs eg Daffodils & Hyacinths
(Narcissus) (Hyacinthus)
E / T
Cut flowers eg Daffodils, Monkshood,
(Narcissus) (Aconitum) (Viscum Album) E / T
E / T
Garden Plants
Autumn Crocus
(Colchicum Autumnale) E
Castor Oil Plant
(Ricinus Communis)
E / T
(Digitalis Purpurea)
(Hedera Helix)
E / T
(Laburnum Anagyroides)
Leyland Cypress
(X Cupressocyparis)
(Convallaria Majalis)
(Daphne Mezereum)
E / T
(Aconitum Napellus)
E / T
E / T
(Ruta Graveolens)
E / T
(Taxus Baccata)
Wild and native plants
Black Bryony
(Tamus Communis) E
Black Nightshade
(Solamum Nigrum)
Cherry Laurel
(Prunus Laurocerasus)
Deadly Nightshade
(Atropa Belladonna)
Giant Hogweed
(Heracleum Mantegazzianum)
(Conium Maculatum)
Hemlock Water Dropwort
(Oenanthe Crocata)
Horse Chestnut
(Aesculus Hippocastanum)
(Arum Maculatum)
(Viscum Album)
(Symphoricarpos Albus)
Wild Privet
(Ligustrum Vulgare)
Woody Nightshade
(Solanum Dulcamara)
King's House
Grand Avenue
Email: info@brighton-hove.gov.uk
Online form
.Administering Medication PolicyAdmissions and Fees PolicyAggressive Behaviour PolicyArrivals and DeparturesChild Induction PolicyDangerous Plants PolicyEqual Opportunities PolicyFire Safety and Risk AssessmentHealth and Safety PolicyHealthy Eating PolicyIllness and AccidentsIndependent Arrival PolicyInvolving Parents and Carers PolicyLone Working PolicyMissing Child ProcedureMobile Phone PolicyPlay PolicyPrevent DutyPromoting British values in Early YearsRecruitment and Selection PolicyRisk Assessment PolicySafe Internet UseSafeguarding Children PolicySuspensions and Exclusions PolicyVisitors PolicyWhistleblowing Policy