As a registered childminder I aim to work in close partnership with all parents, to meet the needs of their children. If there is any aspect of my service that you are not happy with, would you please bring it to my attention. This can be done verbally and every effort will be made to resolve the issue through frank and open discussion. If you prefer, you can put the complaint formally in writing or by email to me. I have a complaints record book which is available to record any complaints. I will keep a written record of all complaints. It will remain confidential unless an Ofsted inspector asks to see it.
I will record the following:
- The national standard to which the complaint relates
- The nature of the complaint
- Date and time of the complaint
- Action taken in response to the complaint
- The outcome of the complaint investigation (the way the service has improved)
- Details of the information and findings that were given to the person making the complaint (which should have been provided to them within 20 days), including any action taken.
I will also keep a summary of the complaint to provide on request to any parent of a child for whom I act as a childminder and Ofsted. This summary will not include the name of the person making the complaint.
Records will be kept for 10 years.
If the parent was still dissatisfied and felt the need to take their complaint further they can contact Ofsted directly via,
Telephone: 0300 123 1231
Piccadilly Gate
Stone Street
M1 2WD