Involving Parents and Carers Policy

At Just Like Home Childcare we recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that every child is happy, healthy and safe whilst in our care. We therefore aim to keep parents and carers fully informed of policies, events and activities at, by sharing information with them, answering questions and addressing any concerns, and by encouraging them to participate in the life of the setting. We do our best to keep parents informed about the setting by:-

  • Inviting parents to visit the setting before their children starts.
  • We also give parents a copy of our Behaviour Management policy and, for EYFS children, information about the role of their child’s key person.
  • Notifying the parents of their child’s key person when they start with us.
  • Making all of our policies available for parents to consult whenever they like. All of our policies are also available to view on our website
  • Producing a regular newsletter to keep parents up to date with news, events, new staff, changes to fees, etc.
  • Using daily diaries to share information between the parents and us (for EYFS children or when a specific need is identified).

We actively welcome parents and invite their input into the setting in the following ways:-

  • We collect information from parents which will help their child to settle with us (via the Registration and Medical forms and, for EYFS children, the All Forms booklet).
  • We involve parents in settling their children in at the Club (in accordance with our Child Induction policy).
  • We consult fully with parents to establish the care requirements for children with additional needs.
  • We greet all parents when they arrive to collect their children, and exchange any relevant information (eg any accidents, participation in today’s activities, etc).
  • We can be contacted at all times, even out of opening hours, via telephone and email.
  • We encourage parents to volunteer, share specialist skills/knowledge, help on outings, etc.
  • We obtain parental permission for outings, photographs, applying sun cream, etc.
  • We can arrange for parental discussions with staff outside of opening hours if necessary.
  • We respect parents’ input and opinions by responding promptly and appropriately to any complaints, in line with our Complaints policy.

This policy was adopted by Just Like Home Childcare. Date: 2nd December 2016

To be reviewed: 2nd December 2017.  Signed:

Written in accordance with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (2014): Learning and Development Requirements [1.1]; Areas of Learning and Development [1.10]; Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements [3.27]; Before/after school care and holiday provision [3.40]